Country Reports & Economic Forecasts (CREF)
Countries Monitored
List of 100 countries monitored by Political Risk Services (PRS)
Algeria | Ecuador | Kazakhstan | Saudi Arabia |
Angola | Egypt | Kenya | Singapore |
Argentina | El Salvador | Korea, South | Slovakia |
Australia | Finland | Kuwait | South Africa |
Austria | France | Libya | Spain |
Azerbaijan | Gabon | Malaysia | Sri Lanka |
Bangladesh | Germany | Mexico | Sudan |
Belgium | Ghana | Morocco | Suriname |
Bolivia | Greece | Myanmar | Sweden |
Botswana | Guatemala | Netherlands | Switzerland |
Brazil | Guinea | New Zealand | Syria |
Bulgaria | Guyana | Nicaragua | Taiwan |
Cameroon | Haiti | Nigeria | Thailand |
Canada | Honduras | Norway | Trinidad & Tobago |
Chile | Hong Kong | Oman | Tunisia |
China | Hungary | Pakistan | Turkey |
Colombia | India | Panama | UAE |
Congo | Indonesia | Papua New Guinea | Ukraine |
Congo, DR | Iran | Paraguay | United Kingdom |
Costa Rica | Iraq | Peru | United States |
Côte d’Ivoire | Ireland | Philippines | Uruguay |
Cuba | Israel | Poland | Venezuela |
Czech Republic | Italy | Portugal | Vietnam |
Denmark | Jamaica | Romania | Zambia |
Dominican Republic | Japan | Russia | Zimbabwe |
Country Reports
Country Reports
Starting at $0.00CREF for 100 countries expertly assesses potential political, financial, and economic risks to business investments and trade, and are based on the Coplin-O'Leary Rating System. Learn More -
CountryData Subscription
CountryData Subscription
Starting at $7,400.00CountryData is the gateway to all current and historical data (back to 1984) from PRS, and a subscription provides access to data for more than 140 countries, including risk ratings and economic data from International Country Risk Guide and forecasts, economic, political, geographic, and social data from Political Risk Services.
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Political Risk Assessment: Concept, Method & Management
Political Risk Assessment: Concept, Method & Management
Starting at $60.00Political Risk Assessment: Concept, Method & Management is a textbook with case-studies and real-life business applications of country and political risk theory edited by Dr. Llewellyn Howell, noted international expert in the field of country risk analysis. Learn More -
Political Risk Letter
Political Risk Letter
Starting at $0.00A monthly newsletter that summarizes the latest PRS forecasts for economic and political changes affecting international business, as well as including, in each issue, the Political and Economic Forecasts Table, which includes 18-month and five-year forecasts for turmoil, investment, transfer, and export risk in all 100 countries and forecasts of real GDP growth, inflation and current account.
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Political Risk Yearbook
Political Risk Yearbook
Starting at $0.00Political Risk Yearbook is an award-winning eight-volume set that includes all 100 of Political Risk Services' Country Reports. The online version of Political Risk Yearbook is also available for campus-wide access.
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Quid Periculum?
Quid Periculum?
Starting at $100.00Long-time political risk experts Christopher McKee and Peter Marber present proven and pragmatic approaches to understanding our brave new world.
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The Handbook of Country and Political Risk Analysis
The Handbook of Country and Political Risk Analysis
Starting at $105.00The "Handbook" is a popular university textbook presenting and commenting on the world's leading commercial risk assessment methodologies. Edited by Llewellyn D. Howell, Ph.D., a leading international expert on country risk analysis. Learn More -
World Service
World Service
Starting at $0.00World Service is Political Risk Services' premier product, including a 12-month subscription to 100 Country Reports, as well as complimentary subscriptions to Political Risk Letter, and Country Forecasts Databanks. Available online ("PRS Online").
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